gail schimmel

The blog of writer Gail Schimmel: A bit of writing, a bit of parenting, a bit of thinking and some book reviews

Podcasts are keeping me sane


I have been really lucky in my work life in the last decade. Mostly, I’ve worked from home. A commute from my bed to a table. And then I got my dream job and it was 4 minutes away from home and CLOSER to the kids school than home. That was perfect.

And then things happened and things changed and now I have to drive 25 minutes to work every day. And back. And if I either take or fetch the kids, that’s 45 minutes just to get there.

So when this all started, I listened to the news (I am not a music person. That’s right. I don’t like music. Yes, I know that’s tragic. Yes, I know, you think you can change me. Yes, I know, you’re now wondering if I have a soul. I’m 45 years old. I’m okay with my lack of soul.) So. The news. I would arrive at work in one of two states:

  • Wanting to emigrate
  • Wanting to kill myself

Because that is what 25 minutes of the news will do to you.

And then I started listening to podcasts. And my life changed. I listen to light, interesting podcasts that leave me a little bit more knowledgeable, a little bit inspired and, most pleasingly, wanting neither to leave the country nor the planet. Literally, I think that podcasts are the thing that have kept me sane.

So here’s my “playlist”, if you’re looking for a way to make that commute just that much easier to take!


What podcasts do you love?

2 thoughts on “Podcasts are keeping me sane

  1. Funny – have come across this in the time of COVID and I can relate….If news was ever going to induce suicide then the last three months would have done it….My personal thanks go out to Radiolab and Death Sex and Money – both part of the WNYC podcast stable…OH! and You’re Dead To Me – a BBC Radio 4 classic! Genuine lifesavers all.

  2. Gail, When there is nothing interesting, real, or funny any-more we run across the bell curve of excellence.
    Thank you for your effort to give hope, as I say tie a knot in the end and hang on.
    I read your Baby sings the blues article. It sound to me like this small package of fed me is not your kid,
    seems to be wearing your husbands genes. Have a great year and keep posting and podding.

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